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Scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine Ed. 12 additions and rework.

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Name of the original Науково-практичний коментар Кримінального процесуального кодексу України Вид. 12-те доповн. і перероб.
Publishing house Алерта
Author Тертишник В. М.
Year of publication 2016
Number of pages 810
lining Hard
Paper type Offset
ISBN 978-617-566-370-7
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This paper, based on the analysis of the new CPC of Ukraine as of March 12, 2016, thoroughly sets out the main provisions of modern criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine, analyzes the practice of its application, provides recommendations for resolving issues, taking into account international legal acts of the European Court of Human Rights. Considerable attention is paid to the implementation of the rule of law in the field of justice, consideration of problematic issues, shortcomings and gaps in legislation, competition of legal norms and solving difficult situations in investigative and judicial practice, conceptual model of the principles of justice in a state governed by the rule of law, harmonization of the principles of publicity and discretion, ensuring the right of the accused to defense, implementation of the principle of presumption of innocence, protection of rights, honor and dignity and safety of participants in criminal proceedings. independence of investigators and detectives of the anti-corruption bureau, rehabilitation of persons illegally prosecuted, development of procedural form and strengthening of procedural guarantees of justice. Prospects for the development of criminal procedure science are opened. students, undergraduates, students and cadets of higher legal educational institutions. It will be a suitable helper for those who learn the basics of criminal procedure law, as well as for those who seek in-depth study of the criminal process.

With changes and additions as of March 12, 2016.

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