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Gediminas is the uncrowned king

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Name of the original Гедимін – некоронований король
Publishing house Фоліо
Author Ужурка Йонас
Year of publication 2018
Number of pages 480
ISBN 978-966-03-7822-3
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It is no exaggeration to say that the figure of Prince Gediminas (1275-1341) is significant in Lithuanian history. One of the most famous rulers of Lithuania, he was an outstanding military leader and diplomat of his time, founded the Lithuanian capital Vilnius and the fortress on the water Trakai. As a prince, he was the first to call himself "King of Lithuanians and Russians." In his policy, Gediminas pursued two main lines: the struggle against the Crusaders and the collection of Russian lands - through diplomatic, dynastic and military measures. He annexed to Lithuania such cities as Polotsk, Vitebsk, Minsk and others, so during the reign of Lithuania the lands of Lithuania almost doubled. In 1324, the prince began a campaign in Kyiv, defeating in the battle of the river Irpin the wife of Prince Stanislav of Kiev and his allies. The city was occupied, and for several centuries the Slavic lands became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The prince died like a real warrior - in battle, during the siege of the fortress by the Crusaders. The novel "Gediminas - the Uncrowned King" was a great success in Lithuania, for which the author was awarded the first prize in a competition announced by the Directorate for the Millennium of Lithuania at the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania.
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