The collection of short stories "Traveling Comedians", which includes short stories "Opryshok", "Opryshok Magas", "Sleigh Walk", "Boy's Court", "Dead Insatiable", "Wandering Comedians", "Traveling Comedians" and "Obzhynok Holiday", contains stories about life Galicians and Hutsuls of the second half of the XIX century.
These are stories about opryshki - Ukrainian "forest boys", for whom the main meaning of life is justice, which can be established in different ways; about the unusual, intelligent and beautiful young widow Aldona, who for some reason preferred a monotonous animal in her estate, rather than the intoxicating entertainment of the capital; about the son of a small landowner Albin Novakivsky, who is not afraid to change his life for the sake of love.
does not let go of the reader throughout the work - all these are common features of Zacher-Masoch's short prose, little known to the Ukrainian reader.