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Perun's children. Military affairs of the Slavs in the early Middle Ages. | Eugene Sinitsa

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Name of the original Перунові діти. Військова справа слов’ян на початку Середньовіччя. | Євген Синиця
Publishing house Темпора
Author Евгений Синиця
Language Ukrainian
Year of publication 2012
Number of pages 276
lining Soft
ISBN 978-617-569-053-6
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The Militaria Ukrainica series The book is about the martial art of the Slavs during their "historic debut". The dynamic changes that took place in the Slavic environment over several centuries were largely determined by their military activity. Purely military aspects are considered against the background of the peculiarities of life and social structure of the Slavic tribes of the early Middle Ages, as well as in the general context of the events of the Great Slavic settlement in Europe. Due to the small amount of source material for the reconstruction of contemporary events and phenomena, the author used archaeological material, information on linguistics, ethnography and more. The book is intended primarily for a wide range of readers who are interested in the history of the early Middle Ages and, in particular, the initial stage of Slavic history. However, we hope it will be of interest to more professional and meticulous readers: historians, archaeologists, students of historical specialties.
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