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Memoirs (1861-1907) Eugene Chikalenko

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Name of the original Спогади (1861-1907) | Євген Чикаленко
Publishing house Темпора
Author Евгений Чикаленко
Language Ukrainian
Year of publication 2011
Number of pages 544
lining Hard
ISBN 978-617-569-051-2
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The memoirs of the famous Ukrainian figure Yevhen Chykalenko provide a detailed description of the social and cultural movement in Ukraine in the late nineteenth and early nineteenth centuries. XX century The reader will find many interesting and little-known facts about the activities of B. Hrinchenko, M. Lysenko, V. Antonovych, M. Komarov, D. Pilchikov, V. Naumenko, the Tobilevych brothers, P. Stebnytsky, L. Zhebunyov and many other prominent representatives of the Ukrainian intelligentsia. . The publication is intended for a wide range of readers, contains rich illustrative material and will be interesting to all who are not indifferent to the history of Ukrainian culture.
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